Item: EX10061012
|Model: MSW-MC62L3
very good
Based on 16 reviews
very good
it was the best choice
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Also fits wonderfully on a rabbit trike bike.
A good rucksack for its price. The openable mp helmet fits well and you don't need to set it up either. You can also fit other things with the helmet. It won't fit two helmets, at least not as big as the one I have. The box has good reflectors. The only thing I can say a little about is that in many cases the bag rattles. The attachment is loose enough on the rack that the bag can move a little. But otherwise I'm really satisfied with the price/quality ratio.
A spacious and strong suitcase. I just had to solve the attachment of the plastic plate to the carrier on the Yamaha Nmax, the supplied mounting material was a fart, since there are no longitudinal tubes on the carrier, but it was solved with a stainless steel plate and everything was OK.
decent value for money, better than the old Chinese models. 62 liters I'm not sure, 2 helmets ok, big downside you have to stick a bitonio or make a hole because nothing to open it you have to pass your nail through the slot to open it nothing planned..... I recommend it but not to cross the desert.
Easy to assemble, stable👍
Very good balance between price and quality. I recommend the purchase
I ordered it and it arrived nice and big. Unfortunately, the lock that arrived was wrong. After some correspondence, they sent another lock, it was already good, they replaced it and it can now be locked. It's difficult to open because it doesn't pop up, but that's what you can expect for that much money.
The motorcycle box is attached using an adapter plate, making it universal for all scooters and motorcycles.
This model can carry luggage weighing up to 5 kg.